Lord Adebowale and Maggie Rae
Lord Victor Adebowale, chief executive of Turning Point, a leading health and social care provider, was welcomed to Wiltshire this month.
Turning Point has a long history of working with people with substance misuse issues and has recently been commissioned by Wiltshire Council to provide Wiltshire Substance Misuse Service, a countywide integrated drug and alcohol service.
Lord Adebowale spoke about his vision for improving services for people with substance misuse and ensuring people have the best chance of achieving their goals for recovery.
Maggie Rae, corporate director with responsibility for Public Health said: “Turning Point will be providing services in Wiltshire for up to the next five years. By appointing one provider, we expect to deliver an improved service to people with alcohol and drug issues.”
Lord Adebowale said: “Wiltshire Council has commissioned Turning Point to provide a new and innovative, integrated drug and alcohol service in Wiltshire to provide support across the county, meaning more service users are able to access the services they need when they need it.
“The substance misuse field is not static and we need to make sure that we are constantly adapting to continue to achieve the best results for our clients. We look forward to working together with the commissioners in Wiltshire to achieve this.”